Va Nee

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Slow down the Osteoporosis Train by Conditioning your way to Splits

Achieving the splits requires dedication, consistency, and a balanced approach that combines flexibility, strength, and proper warm-ups. Begin with a thorough warm-up, incorporating dynamic stretches and light cardio to prepare your muscles. Focus on key stretches such as hamstring stretches, hip flexor stretches, butterfly stretches, pigeon pose and side lunges, each held for about 30 seconds. Strengthening exercises like lunges, leg raises, and bridge pose will support muscle development and balance. 

Practice the splits by starting in a low lunge position for front splits and gently sliding your feet apart, or by sitting with legs extended to the sides for side splits, holding each position and gradually increasing the time. Consistency is crucial, so integrate these exercises into your routine several times a week, and always listen to your body to avoid injuries. Stay hydrated, be patient, and allow time for rest and recovery, as these elements are essential for making steady progress toward your flexibility goals.  Stretch Apps to help you get there.

I got you!!....because sometimes it feels like this.

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